Nursery Rhymes
I was very excited to read the nursery rhymes. I loved all the nursery rhymes from when I was little, so I was hoping those would be included. I also knew that I would not know all of them. Therefore, I was ready to read something new.
The first section of nursery rhymes were all new to me. I actually did not recognize any of them. I may have read a few of them when I was little, but did not remember them. They were all still enjoyable to read. I really enjoyed Little Jack Horner. This rhyme was short and sweet. It incorporated many different aspects for only being four lines long.
Songs, Part 1
I was excited to be able to read Little Bo-Peep. I loved this song when I was a kid. It was good to be able to read it again and remember every line of it. It is crazy how much we remember from when we were little. Today, I pictured Bo-Peep from Toy Story while reading this rhyme/song.
What a classic Riddle, Humpty Dumpty. I love the picture used in the untextbook to symbolize this riddle. I honestly did not remember the end of the riddle. So it was a nice refresher to read the entire riddle and not just the first two lines. (Those are the only two lines I can ever remember from that riddle).
Charms and Lullabies
Rock-a-bye Baby has to one of the most well-known lullabies. I have known that entire lullaby since I was a kid, every single word.
I loved reading this section. I learned so many games from this. I had no idea that Hickory Dickory Dock was a game. I also just thought it was a nursery rhyme. My mom used to always play This Little Piggy with my toes. She would always change up what the pigs were doing and make them into something like me. I loved this reminder of my childhood.
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