Thursday, April 2, 2015

Essay: Nursery Rhymes

This week I read the unit about Nursery Rhymes. This week’s reading really had a lot of surprises. Not bad ones, good ones of course. I thought that I would know most of them and know most of the lines. However, I was way wrong. There were many new nursery rhymes that I have never even heard of. This was a great way to learn new ones. Also, I learned new and different versions of previous nursery rhymes that I thought I knew. I was also reminded of many that I did not know the entire nursery rhyme.

This reading was very fun and entertaining. It is easy to read and of course easy to understand. I would suggest this reading to anyone who wants a reminder of their childhood or even just an easy kid related read. There are many nursery rhymes in each section. Laura did a great job of separating them by songs, riddles, games, and etc. This made it fun to be able to read all the riddles in one section and the same goes for all of the other sections. In the section itself, the stories were very well organized and it was easy to tell when one story begin and ended.

I really enjoyed this unit overall. The format of this unit was wonderful and very easy to follow. Everything stated about the unit is helpful. I like how you did mention that there would be ones that we have not read before. I knew this before reading the unit. However, I was still surprised on how many I have never heard of.

This unit was one of my favorites so far. I learned so much more than I thought I could from nursery rhymes and I even learned some to pass on to others.

Great unit!

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