I was very impressed with this unit. I really did enjoy the readings. I hope that I am able to read more units like this one throughout the semester. I liked how each story was easy to follow, the main character were animals, and that most of the stories had an overall theme.
My favorite story from this section was The Turtle who could not stop talking. I have actually read this story before, so it was very familiar to me. However, I am still trying to figure out where I read it. Another story that stood out to me was Beauty and Brownie. First off, the title was very catching because unlike the other stories you could not tell who was going to be the main character. This story was also very practical since it had to do with deer and hunters.
My favorite story from this section was The Turtle who could not stop talking. I have actually read this story before, so it was very familiar to me. However, I am still trying to figure out where I read it. Another story that stood out to me was Beauty and Brownie. First off, the title was very catching because unlike the other stories you could not tell who was going to be the main character. This story was also very practical since it had to do with deer and hunters.
I believe that this unit and the unit I read in week 3, Aesop (Winter), were similar in the fact that they both had animals as the main characters. There can be many connections made between these two units. I also feel that some of the stories could even overlap some. The themes of the stories in both units are both very practical. However, in this unit you had to figure out the theme, while in week 3, there was a sentence stating the overall theme of the story.
This unit is very well organized and written. I do not believe that they are additional notes needed because each story is easy to follow. I would suggest to add some color pictures in the stories, since they are all black. This would add some excitement to the reading. All of the background information provided for this unit was very helpful. Even though, there are not storytelling ideas for this unit, I believe that these stories are easy to add your own thoughts to.

Hi Mary, just a quick note since I happened to see your blog post pop up: I absolutely love the jatakas too! I hope to add more jataka units in the future. You might also like the reading unit of stories from Bidpai: the Bidpai tradition and the jatakas are very closely connected, the difference being that the jatakas are Buddhist stories from India, while the Bidpai stories come from the Hindu tradition... and some of the stories overlap! Anyway, I am really glad you like the jataka stories! There is a lovely website of jatakas and other Buddhist stories here: The Illustrated Jataka.