The Rustic and the Nightingale.
This story was very interesting. After reading the first paragraph, I was unsure what the story was going to be able. The first paragraph was very descriptive about the Rustic's garden. I am glad that the story involved a cute little, nightingale. The picture did a great job of helping the reader, me, picture the bird. I am glad that the bird made the Rustic realize that he was punishing the bird for something so little. I like how the story ended and the Rustic is a good man.
The Two Travelers
After reading the first paragraph of this story, I immediately thought about how many ideas and opportunities that this story could have for storytelling.
The Gardener and the Bear
I enjoyed this story. I can imagine the bear doing everything that he does in the story. I also, like how the story ends with, "It is better to have a wise enemy than a foolish friend." This is a great theme that could be used in many storytelling posts.
The Carpenter and the Ape
This story is a perfect example to not mess with other people's business. The poor monkey cut off part of his tail for doing something that he was not supposed to be doing. It always seems to be the monkeys that are messing up.
Overall, this is a great unit. I cannot wait to read the rest of the unit.
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