Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 4

Well I have to do my famous last words early this week because tomorrow morning I get my wisdom teeth out.  I am actually very nervous. I have never had a major procedure done, besides when I was a baby and five years old. This has already been a very eventful week. I have actually been sick all week. I did not go to class Monday and got to spend my day at the doctor on Tuesday. Therefore, all of my work this week has been done while lying in bed or on the couch. I think that I actually write better when I am sitting up. I am more than ready to feel better.

Besides that, I have enjoyed my reading this week. The Jataka Tales (Babbitt) were very easy to follow and to read. This made it helpful since I have had zero energy this week. I can only imagine how I am going to be this weekend with my wisdom teeth. I liked these stories because they were all about different animals. Some of the stories were very realistic as well.

My classes are going well so far. I got a little behind since I missed class on Monday, but I am trying my best to catch up fast. This is because I have two tests next week. They are both on Wednesday and they both cover a lot of information. I have already started studying for these tests. Highlighters, note cards, study guides, and notes are everywhere around me.

Since it is not Thursday, I have not had the chance to comment on my other classmates blogs. I know that everyone is doing a great job. I am very anxious to see how everyone’s storybooks or portfolios come out. Everyone has such a great imagination, so I know they will all be amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. Mary! I've been assigned to you twice now, but it's been good to read your stories again! I hope you are feeling better. I remember when I had my wisdom teeth taken is the worst! I hope you have a speedy recovery and can eat solid foods again soon. Just remember..DONT USE A STRAW!!!!
